The Costumes
David Faulk Creates the costumes from mostly recycled materials.originally created for use in the mrs. vera's Daybook series, a collection of 3-d wearable props for 2-d photography, made out of, basically, anything clothing should NOT be made of. Like a macaroni Mother's Day card, it doesn't really matter what kind of macaroni you use, as long as it stays on the card with glue and glitter and gold paint, and can be shaped like a big heart. These objects were designed to be used, to be worn, to be fixed, altered and worn again, and all from the humblest material available, so long as there is enough of it.
There is very little construction or sewing involved in David Faulk's costume work, as the aesthetic centers on re-using or re-purposing already existent clothing and customizing it with unlikely materials to build up complex visual and tactile, and even aural textures, which are assembled into whole, impractical outfits that are then photographed in the boring old real world, on the street or in the amazing natural settings we forget to notice all around us, as if it was a perfectly normal thing to do, going about one's business like any typical person does, looking like that. Mrs. Vera is on a mission to get everyone to make their best at attempt at broadening their own definition of 'normal', and she has nothing but thanks and approval for anyone willing to at least try. David Faulk September 30, 2015 |